Enhancing station amenities for better user well-being



In areas where escalators are either new or part of normal life, users might have bad habits that can also be dangerous to themselves or other users.


Users should be informed to have good habits when using stairs and escalators via nudging techniques or by more explicit campaigns and solutions. Dynamic lighting using colours can be used on the steps of an escalator, indicating where to stand. This ensures people know where to step, maintains the distance between people and when to get off. More interactive solutions can include using artificial intelligence to inform users of their inappropriate use and indicate alternatives to stop accidents before they happen. Screens on escalators (and elevators) can be used to provide additional safety information and/or wayfinding.


Managing people flows

‘People Flow & Reducing Frustration’


Vertical circulation is essential in certain locations, such as underground stations, particularly for those traveling upwards. Large flows can mean longer waits and crowding.


A group of three escalators can be set up to have two operating with the flow and one in the opposite direction. When the flow changes, one of the escalators will also change, making more efficient use of available infrastructure.

In a connected station, real-time monitoring of people flows can allow the escalators to warn the operator of the situation or adapt autonomously such as preparing for a change in people flow when a vehicle enters the station.